Reactor Site Application Reviews


To familiarize foreign regulatory technical staff with requirements for reactor siting and the technical guidance for review of a site application to determine whether site characteristics are acceptable for placement of a nuclear reactor.


Covers important aspects of siting, including the likelihood and severity of non-seismic natural and man-made hazards, seismic hazards, and the preparation of the emergency plan. It presents basic concepts, detailed regulatory guidance and practical examples, including specific methods for conducting reviews. Particular emphasis is on the risk significant areas such as site flooding hazard, seismic hazards, and the evacuation time estimates. The course is based on US regulations and guidance supported by applicable IAEA standards. Domestic regulatory references include 10 CFR Part 50 (reactors), 10 CFR Part 100 (siting), NUREG-0800 (Standard Review Plan), NRR Review Standard RS-002, applicable USNRC Regulatory Guides and NUREG documents, and several industry standards. The workshop includes an exercise designed to engage participants in a regulatory review of flooding hazards at a recently licensed nuclear power plant.

Regulatory management and technical staff who may become involved in the review of power reactor siting applications.

Where this training has been delivered: