The Arab Network of Nuclear Regulators (ANNuR) was created in 2010 with the purpose of strengthening and harmonizing the regulatory infrastructure in Arab countries as well as exchanging regulatory knowledge and experiences with other international and regional networks under the IAEA Global Nuclear Safety and Security Network (GNSSN).

Egyptian Atomic Energy Commission
Mauritania National Authority of Radiation, Safety and Nuclear Security
Sudanese Nuclear & Radiological Regulatory Authority
Tunisia National Center for Radiation Protection
Algeria Atomic Energy Commission
Bahrain Environmental Control Directorate
Iraqi Radioactive Sources Regulatory Authority
Kuwait Radiation Protection Department
Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission
Lybia Atomic Energy Establishment
Oman Peaceful Nuclear Technology Office Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Palestine Radiation Protection & Detection Directorate
Qatar Radiation & Chemical Protection Department Ministry of Environment
UAE Operations Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulation
Yemen National Atomic Energy Commission
Syria Atomic Energy Commission of Syria
Somalia Ministry of Mineral and Water Resources
Comoros Ministry of Production, Environment, Energy, Industry and Crafts